Current position:HOME > National marketing communication mode ( part):

Dealer application must meet the following conditions:
1、Willing to operate new products and has certain key rodent product sales。
2、Having a fixed place of business ( store)。
3、Have a certain network distribution capabilities ( retail consumable store please note clearly)。

Reminder: Please fill in the complete information!

Provincial: *(必填,请选择)
Company name : *(Required, maximum of 30 characters)
Agent products : *(Required, please select)
Address: *(Required, 150 word limit)
telephone: *(Required, only input number, area code directly after the phone, do not add " -")
Fax: (Digital input, do not add " -")
Manager: *(Required, 12 word limit)
Mobile: *(Required, can only enter numbers)
  Check the license code:          

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